27 July, 2013

Kingdom Minded

Colossians 3:1-2 says, “Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above not the things that are on earth.”
For a lot of us, we are entering into a new stage in our lives. Most of us don’t really know what is going to happen next, yet we wait in anticipation. For those who are just on the sideline of our lives, they watch with excitement to where we are about to go. For some of us, this means new friends and new dreams. This post is for everyone, but it’s especially for my friends who are going to college this next semester.
Yesterday, I came back from a week of church camp. I had the joy of leading a bunch of Jr. High guys to know more about Christ. The leader over me, who I switched teaching with during the camp, made a few statements that really got the groups attention while everything I said seemed to go over their heads, but who knows! She shared this verse that I’ve put above in order that we would Seek and Set.
This resonates with me as enter into a new world with new people and new goals. Will I finally be able to seek after the Lord with all my heart? Will I make provision so this may happen? This verse helped me come up with a college “Mission Statement” if you will. It’s as follows: I will only engage in activities that help my profession and conviction. This is not to become the most legalistic person on campus so let me explain myself a little more.
The purpose for our existence is to glorify God with all we do. The outcome of this is His fulfillment of joy in us and ours in Him (John 15:11). Matthew 6:33 says to seek first the Kingdom of Christ and all these things will be added to you. I wonder if we get to caught up with “these things will be added to you”. The glory of God is not a means to an end but the fellowship with God is what creates joy. There is no way to get joy without worshiping our Creator for who He is. Our search for joy is in essence the search after the presence of God and His glory.
No matter where you are in life, college student or not, your life is not your own. It belongs to the One who created, saved, and secured you. We also studied this past week about the completion of the Kingdom. When Jesus comes back to get us, there will be so much joy. I wish we thought about the end times more, for I am sure that is the fuel for the seeking and setting in our lives. If we truly understood that only some things will last and others won’t, that would completely dictate the way that we lived. I know you’ve heard this a million times, but as you read this, I’m praying God would show and reveal truth to you.
The hardest part about this is that the world and its sin is so enticing that no one falls short of this. Even while writing this, I think of all things I could do that wouldn’t advance my profession or conviction (By which I mean what God has called me to do for a living and the fact that I am certain He is the only One worth living for). I’m preaching a dream that will one day be completely obtainable and enjoyable. However, this shouldn’t stop us, though it may discourage us, from living a life that is Seeking the face of God and Setting our minds on Him daily.

My prayer for us is that we would become His children who are Kingdom Minded – Forsake All

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