16 May, 2012

Who Shall They Glorify?

Proverbs 10:20 says, “The tongue of the righteous is a choice silver; the heart of the wicked is worth little.” We have two different people in this verse, one is the righteous and the other is the wicked. Also, we must always remember that Luke 6:45 says, “The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart.”
We have this idea of whatever fills the heart will pour out of the mouth. My pastor has always used the example of a full glass. How do you find out what the glass is full of? You bump into it. When one causes strife or somehow harms the person, he bumps his glass and finds out what it contains. Will he find joy and peace when he bumps the glass, or will he find hate and harm?
Going back to this verse, we must say that the righteous contains good, like Luke says, and the wicked man’s heart contains evil. We make this contrast according to the contrast between silver and something that is worth little. If the heart of the wicked is worth little, than when he speaks, it is easy to say that he has nothing good to say. Everything he says is foolish and the conversation that he may enter could go on without his addition. However, when the righteous speaks, it brings life (Verse 11) and it is worth so much more than the words of the wicked.
Right now, where you sit, do you find yourself in the description of the righteous or wicked man? When you speak, is it worth the time of the listener? Does God have your heart? For I hope you understand that the only way one’s heart can be pure is if God is in complete control of it. We use solely the example of speaking, but when you do something, does it bring God glory?
If our chief end is to glorify God, then we can say that is the most priceless experience, and then we can say this silver is speech or conduct that pleases God and gives Him joy and praise. Where are you? When you speak, who is glorified, God or the Devil?
We have words to speak and actions to call our own, but who shall they glorify? –Forsake All

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