15 February, 2012

I Believe You're My Healer

Exodus 15:26 says, “And He said, ‘If you will give earnest heed to the voice of the LORD your God, and do what is right in His sight, and give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have put on the Egyptians; for I, the LORD, am your healer.’ ”
This verse follows the defeat of the whole Egyptian army pretty closely. Whoa, the whole Egyptian army? In chapter fourteen it says Pharaoh took six hundred of his select chariots and other chariots he had. Each one had an officer on it. That’s at least more than six hundred officers, and the sea would soon destroy all of them. One of the beautiful things in the book of Exodus, just as a side note, is the sovereignty of God, meaning how much He is in control. You may not really see it, but in verse four of chapter, He says that He will harden Pharaoh’s heart, in order for him to chase after the Israelites. Wait a minute, why would God put His own chosen people in a place where they could be killed? Well, look what happened later on.
He showed His great power by first, opening the Red Sea so that His people could walk across on dry land, and then He held the Egyptians back so that the Israelites had time to cross. As soon as God saw that it was right, He closed back the seas, and the entire army of Egypt was destroyed, and no one lived through it. So take this whole experience as a “diseases” and then imagine all the plagues that the Egyptians went through back in Egypt. The frogs, the locus, everything. God says that He is in our healer, meaning He is in control of our health.
Think about what that means for a little bit. I want you to think of a more personal family doctor type of person. Someone who knows you well enough to know when you are sick and when you need help. He isn’t just there when something goes wrong, and you need to be healed, but this whole idea of being a healer is someone who is constantly sustaining us. He is there when we are sick, and making sure we are healthy all the time.
Right now, there is a good chance there is sin in your life, but I don’t want you to be brought down by it, and neither does God. Romans 8:1 says, “Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” I want you to think of a balance beam, on one side it says, “Condemnation” and the other it says, “Perfection.” I want you to know it’s a balance of the mind.
By saying that, you need to find the right place where you are convicted by sin, and it hurts you because you know it hurts God’s heart, but don’t get too caught up in sin where it gets to the point that you are constantly weighed down by the fact that you have sin in your life. One of my new great mentors told me yesterday that We should be grateful for the way we are walking with Christ and, not to be weighed down with how it could be better, in fact, we should even praise God that it burdens us that our walk isn’t what we quite want it to be yet.
Chase hard after God, and when you feel burdened, rejoice – Forsake All

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