01 February, 2012

Small Sins

Small sins. Everyone has heard of them. "Yeah, I'm not a good driver, but it's whatever.",,"Yeah, I cheat, but it's no big deal." So many more excuses are present that we could go through. Right now, close your eyes, think of a small sin. Or, for some of you, you don't even have to pause to think about the small sin in your life. But for right now, keep that Small Sin in mind. Tonight, I head a youth pastor talk about super heros, and it kinda got me thinking. So the following illustration will include the classic.
Man of steel. Captain of the Justice League. Superman. He goes by many names. In his fight against crime, he faces missiles, the close loss of his loved one, and the challenge of being Clark Kent. However, we all know his biggest fear is Kryptonite. No strength of his can surpass the overwhelming greatness of this metal. Some call it his Achilles' Heel. What if Superman didn't have this weakness to Kryptonite? He would be immune to everything! He would be able to do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. However because of this small defect, he has limitations.
I would talk about Batman, but lets just agree that he isn't a superhero, just a super-millionaire.
Some other superheros don't have an external weakness, but a character flaw. The first the comes to mind is Thor. This superhero is also strong and has a hammer that can do a lot of different things. He can fly, he can control his hammer with magical powers, and he is the only one that can wield it. However, his internal issue is pride. This issue has himself thrown from his father's kingdom and onto earth. With all his greatness and strength, he still lacked control of pride, and was disciplined for his actions.
Now, lets take a brake from superheros and go to the Bible. What about Samson? He had everything a man could want, a good relationship with God, strength, and leadership. However, he had one downfall. Women. I think most guys can understand this, and also probably most girls too. With everything he had, he fell into temptation with a woman, and after that, his whole life went downhill.
What is the similarity between these men, and so many more? They all were powerful, great, mighty, and incorruptible except for one small thing. One Small Sin. For Thor and Samson, it was a problem of not getting rid of that small sin. If they would have saw that sin, then disposed of it, things would have been fine.
Now, think of that small sin in your life. For me, as I was driving home I was texting. Now I know my parents say it's wrong, but it's not that harmful to me because I am a really good driver, in my own mind. However, I am not willing to let this small sin get in the way of my relationship with God. I don't want my small sin to end up corrupting me like it did to Thor and Samson. If I don't get rid of this small sin, then I could end up dead on the side of the road, like so many other teenagers who text and drive.
Believe me, there are other small sins in my life that I need to change, and I will do my best to change them. But right now, remember that small sin in your life. Change it. Don't let it be your Kryptonite. Don't let it ruin you. You're better than that. - Forsake All

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