16 January, 2012

Acquire The Fire

Hey guys! So I am super excited, because in four days, a few of my friends and I will be attending a worship conference called, "Acquire the Fire" or ATF. I have never been before, however the same is not true for some of the people in my group. I don't know exactly what it will be like, apart from the bands and speakers that will be there, but all I know is that I want to keep my eyes open the whole time to see what God has in store.
If you don't mind praying for me and my friends who are going, that would be awesome! Pray that we can learn to love God above all things and that Normal's Not Enough, which is the theme for this weekend. Pray that we can truly just fall in love with God and His word. Sometimes, I need something to encourage me and excited me about living my life for Christ.
This may be true for you too. I am one of the many people who said they would read the Bible everyday this year, and so far, it's been good for me. However, sometimes it gets old or boring, and I lose the excitement of knowing that I am reading the word of God and that the Bible is a love letter to us.
Also, sin is a major problem in my life, also like many other people, and I have learned that if I truly desire God above everything else, then I will no longer desire sin. We are called to be slaves to Christ, when Romans 6 talks about being slaves to righteousness. If we are slaves, then shouldn't our job be to obey everything that our Master says? I know I struggle with it, and knowing that we are not a legalistic religion, there is still no reason that we shouldn't obey Christ.
Desire Him above everything in life, and He will provide for you as He sees fit. - Forsake All

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