20 January, 2012

Just a Picture

Recently, I have been thinking about the way God loves us, and I thought of a decent picture, that goes something like this...
"I look down at my wrist to find that it is time to meet with God. He has called an urgent meeting with me, because I misunderstand something. I'm not really sure what He has in mind. He calls me over, 'Lucifer, come with me.' This feeling in my stomach tells me that my time for defeat has not yet come, but something is special about this day. I walk with Him, and He takes me to the universe, our next door neighbors. He brings me to the largest stars in the universe, of which I am very familiar. He shares secrets with me about how they work and what they do, and also how they bring Him glory. He commanded the stars, and they immediately obeyed Him. He tells me that they are so beautiful, and I have to agree. I ask, 'Why does the Lord of Lords not show most love to these stars that He has made?' God looks at me and says, 'Because, even though I love them dearly, these are not the ones I love most.'
We continue on our journey and I continue to look for the most beautiful creations, to try to move God's heart to love another. We went into the Milky Way, which contains Earth of which I am ruler of. To say that I am found with this area is an understatement, for I know every square inch. God takes me to the Sun and shows me how beautiful it is. He shows me the planets, and the certain tasks that they must complete before the day is over. He commands them into order, and they obey. I ask, 'Why does the Lord of Lords not show most love to this galaxy that He has made? Surely is it not most pleasing and most glorifying?' Again, God He looks at me and says, 'Because, even though I love them dearly, these are not the ones I love most.'
So far, my plan to shake God off of His original Love is not working out in quite the same way I would have liked it to. However, I was determined, as I figure that this is my purpose. We walk onto Earth, where God shows me everything. I am no stranger to this land, of which I have control over all those who God gives. However, God takes me to the sea, and tells me of its secrets. He shows me the certain tides, fish, currents, and other things that I have explored before. He stirs His finger in the sea and shows me the seas obey Him. We move on to the land to find the animals. The diversity is almost overwhelming when you see them all together. God takes them and commands them, and they obey.
Suddenly, a male human appears on the scene. While God looks to him, He tells me of the secrets of this man's past, which are not secrets to me, but to other mere men. This man was a failure and a mistake because of the things he had done, at least in my eyes he was considered hopeless. God reaches out to help this man, and he turns away while throwing his arms up at God. I look and try my hardest not to laugh, for I fear to be rude to the almighty creator. However, the man's heart was softened and he finally accepted the embrace of God. We both knew that this man was one of God's, but why?
I turn to ask God, 'Why does one of Your status, who is busy commanding stars and seas and creatures and trees, worry Yourself about humankind? They burden and despise You with their hearts, but it hurts You to hear their tongues confess and sing their love for You. I say to You, rid them of the earth and deal with no more deceit. You have proven Your love for them, but forgiveness is done with. Why do You continue to love these people out of all things?' God looks at me with disappointment and says, 'Even though I love them dearly, these are not the ones I love most.'

You may have began reading this story with the words, "I know exactly what is going to happen in the end." However, the same words may have not been in your head as you reached the end. One thing we can agree on is that the world around us is a Humanistic (Focus on man) society. We buy and sell things that make men happy, and not just all men, but we buy things to make "Me" happy. Has this idea spread into our Christianity?
In my tenth grade year of Highschool, I had a struggle with this idea of Christian Humanism. People use the terms Christian and Christian Humanist interchangeably, but I don't think I was okay with that. If salvation is focused on man, then it becomes a question of "How can man obtain perfection?" However, if we look at it as God in the center, the question is, "How did God save us, and why?" Humanism would probably say that we are worth something. Maybe even that God saved us because we were the most valuable thing created, since we are in His image.
Do we understand though that we were created to be like God, but then messed up? We failed to meet the standards, so we stepped down. In the story, God commands everything into order and movement, and with no questions asked, they obeyed, except for us. How does it look when the God of the universe commands the stars, the seas, the planets, and the animals and they obey, but when God tells us just to simply trust Him, we shake our created fingers and say, "No Thank You."
Do we understand that we are in desperate need for Christ? Do we understand the if we did not have Christ as our Savior, we would be in Hell tonight? If we do not give our lives over to the one that sacrificed His, then we may want to think of another fire escape plan, but I doubt any other one will be as good as the original.
So, who does God love most? Himself. There is no question to it... But this must be explained another time. - Forsake All

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