19 September, 2012

Project Faith

Genesis 24:33 says, “A meal was set before [Abraham’s servant], but he said, “I will not eat until I have said what I have to say.” So Laban said, “Speak on.”
This seems like an odd verse if not put into the correct context. This man is Abraham’s servant that Abraham sent to get a wife for Isaac. Abraham sent his servant all the way back to his father’s household to find a wife for Isaac because he didn’t want Isaac to marry a Canaanite. We see this again with Jacob, Isaac’s son, later on. In this passage, the servant is offered a house for his men, his camels, and himself to stay in and is also offered a meal. However, before he eats, he declares to Laban the things God has done for him.
He goes into a long monologue about how the Lord has blessed Abraham and also how the Lord has blessed him in his journey. He tells Laban the story of how God was watching over him when he came to the spring and prayed. He prayed a specific prayer in order to find the right woman for Isaac, and God answered his prayer word for word. He rejoices later and worships God with his face to the ground. His whole recount of the past events is considered worship for his remembrance of what God has done.
If only the Israelites did the same thing later on in history. We see them trust God, but as soon as something came up to hinder their faith, they lost all hope. Their issue was not being able to remember God and what He had done for them. Today, I think we have the same problem. If we only remembered what God had done for us, I think our faith would be stronger in Him. Why is that?
Why do you trust a chair? Well, it’s probably because you have sat in many chairs. I have a desk chair in my room, and the first time I sat in it, it held me up. Even the next time I decided to sit on it, it held me up even then. Now, every time I want to sit on the chair, I can think about past experiences and say to myself, “That chair has never let me down and has always supported me when I sit on it.” I then learn that I have faith in the chair simply because of past experiences I have had with it.
God has really been pressing this on my heart. I pray that God would give me faith to move mountains, but what am I really asking? God has given me everything I need to have faith, but I just have not seen it yet. I think it’s such an important thing to remember who God is and what He has done for us.
So I beckon you, are you ready to have a stronger faith? Start writing down the things has done for you. If you can’t think of anything anymore, go back into the Old and New Testaments and write all the things He did in all those books. Make a list that you see almost everyday. Memorize the times and experiences where God has come through to save the day. The truth is we are a forgetful people, but if we strive to remember all that the Lord has done for us, I believe our faith in Him and even our love for Him will grow far beyond our dreams.
Remember who God is and what He has done for you. – Forsake All

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